Free download OkMap


OkMap is a software that works with vectorial and raster maps that you have bought or scanned
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48 votes
Gian Paolo Saliola
Release date
30 December 2010

Editor's review

This is map software that can help with GPS navigation.

OkMap is a GPS and map software. It can work on vector maps and help calibrate raster maps easily. Raster calibration can be done for various map projections. You would be able to layout a route by marking waypoints. While laying a route or a track (part of the route actually traveled) you would be able to take in the undulations in the terrain and use Digital elevation maps for this purpose. Combined with GPS data in real time, that can be uploaded/downloaded, you would be able to mark the track besides finding where you are at any given moment. The application can be integrated with Google maps and Google earth in 3D as well. Geocoding functions are supported in the utility. Autorouting functionality is also available. Sending and receiving of data from vehicles is possible so that you can track a vehicle and display the track in real time.

Additional functionality include display ability of Google maps and Google earth data of the surroundings, including a 3D view according to Google earth, ability to exchange GPS data from a remote location and ability to exchange data with server. You will be able to send current data to a remote server too. This is quite a versatile map application that makes it suitable for a whole set of outdoor activities. Activities such as trekking, off road biking, boating, hunting & fishing, fun stuff like geocaching and serious stuff like search & rescue can all benefit from this.

Publisher's description

OkMap is a GPS and map software that:
-Works with vectorial maps and calibrates raster maps
-Organizes paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks
-Uploads/downloads data to/from your GPS
-Uses altitude DEM data
-Supports GPS real-time navigation
-Sends/receives vehicles position and display tracks on maps in real time
-Provides autorouting and geocoding functions
-Supports integration with Google Maps and Earth (in 3D also)
Potential use:
-Search and rescue
-Off road
-Mountain bike
-Hunting and fishing
-Finding mushrooms
-Soft air
Main features:
-Calibrate raster maps with different cartographic projections
-Create own digital maps importing / drawing shapes
-Create and manage waypoints, routes and tracks in GPX format
-Download, save and automatically georeference maps from Google Maps
-Support autorouting, geocoding and inverse geocoding functions
-Use digital terrain models to store and display elevation
-Upload / download data to / from GPS devices
-Navigate in real time through NMEA protocol
-Display Google Earth and Google Maps in current map location
-Exchange data with Google Earth and view your map in 3D
-Find nearby cache in
-Exchange data with server
-Receive navigation data from remote GPS devices
-Send the current position to an OkMap remote server
-Make conversions between coordinates, datums, formats, etc..
Supported formats:
-Images: ecw, bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif and many others
-Maps: gfw, jgw, pgw, tfw, bpw (Drg maps); ecw (Earth Resource Mapping); map (OziExplorer); gmi (GpsTuner)
-Vector data: shp, dbf (Esri shape file); dcw (Digital Chart of World)
-GPS data: gpx (GPS Exchange Format); kml (Keyhole Markup Language); wpt, plt, rte (OziExplorer); loc (Geocaching) and many others formats through the software GpsBabel
-DEM data (digital earth model): hgt (SRTM-1 and SRTM-3)
Version 8.9.2
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